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Arrr! GOP scallywag claims me hearties lack the courage to impeach that landlubber Biden. Aye, be we chickens?


Arrr, Rep. Tim Burchett, a scallywag on the House Oversight Committee, be swearin' that the panel's gabfest won't be convincin' his shipmates to walk the plank for President Biden's impeachment. Aye, 'tis a tough crowd to please!

Aye, me hearties! A scallywag from the House Oversight Committee be talkin' 'bout the Wednesday hearin', swearin' it won't make a lick o' difference for swaying the mateys into supportin' the possible impeachment o' President Biden, as reported by Fox News Digital.Rep. Tim Burchett, a swashbucklin' Republican from Tennessee, be sayin' "no" when asked if the second impeachment inquiry would change any minds, and he be callin' out his fellow Republicans for tellin' different tales to lobbyists and constituents about impeachin' Biden.The House GOP be investigatin' Biden for shady dealings, especially with his son Hunter Biden in China and Ukraine. While most scallywags think Biden be actin' fishy, there be doubts if there be enough support for impeachment in the perilously thin majority.Many a lawmaker be doubting the will to impeach Biden, fearin' it might alienate voters in tough districts. Some be thinkin' the impeachment push be losin' steam, blamin' the chaos o' the presidential election year.When asked about the skepticism in the conference, they say there be plenty o' doubters. The hearin' be titled "Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office," with testimony from GOP witnesses and former Hunter Biden associates, as well as a Democratic witness and a rogue from Rudy Giuliani's crew.

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