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Beware ye scallywags! UN be warnin' of a heapin' pile of e-waste from discarded electric contraptions! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The U.N. be shoutin' about the heap o' electronic waste pilin' up across the seven seas. The scurvy dogs be too lazy to recycle, and the rates be droppin' faster than a sailor off the plank! Aarrr!

Avast ye scallywags! The U.N. agencies be warning that e-waste be piling up all across the world, with recycling rates lower than a pirate's morale. Arr, they be talkin' about discarded devices with a plug or battery, like cellphones, laptops, and even solar panels!In a report released just this week, the U.N. be sayin' that some 62 million tons of this cursed e-waste be generated in 2022 alone, enough to make a line of tractor-trailers stretch around the world. And by 2030, it be set to reach a fearsome 82 million tons!Metals worth a staggering $91 billion be makin' up half of this foul 62 million tons, with plastics and other substances fillin' the rest. The U.N. be lamentin' that only 22% of this e-waste be properly collected and recycled in 2022, with the rate set to fall even lower by the end of the decade.In Asia, where the most e-waste be generated, recycling rates be low and laws be scarce. But in Europe, where the waste be heaviest per person, rates be higher. The U.N. be soundin' the alarm for better regulations to tackle this growin' problem, lest we be drownin' in a sea of unwanted tech treasures.

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