The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The Yanks be fleein' Port-au-Prince as the rum-soaked land be in dire straits. Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in the U.S. be whiskin' away American landlubbers from Port-au-Prince, haulin' 'em off on government chartered flights to the Dominican Republic. Ye best be packin' yer tricorn hats and parrots, for a wild adventure awaits! Aye, matey!

In the jolly language of a 17th-century pirate, the U.S. did a fine job evacuating a bunch of American citizens from the troubled land of Haiti. Arrr! With a government-chartered helicopter, they whisked away 15 U.S. citizens from Port-au-Prince, sailing smoothly to the Dominican Republic. Ahoy, Santo Domingo! There, U.S. government folks were waiting to lend a hand with consular assistance. This be just the beginning of a series of planned helicopter escapades from Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo, after another bunch of Americans were safely transported from Cap-Haïtien to Miami earlier in the week.The State Department be aiming to rescue over 30 U.S. citizens from Haiti each day with these fancy helicopter flights. "Argh, the demand be high and the security situation dire," said a State Department spokesperson. Gangs be causing chaos and violence in Haiti, forcing folks to flee and seek shelter elsewhere. The land be in turmoil, with gunfire echoing and communities in distress. But fret not, for new leadership be on the horizon, with a transitional council being formed to steer the ship in the right direction. Until then, let's hope for calm waters and a safe passage for all.

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