The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, them pesky Russians be firin' missiles at Kyiv! 10 scallywags be feelin' the pain! Aye!


Arrr, mateys! Ukraine be boastin' about stoppin' them 31 missiles fired at the capital. But alas, the scallywags couldn't be stoppin' all of 'em as 13 poor souls be gettin' hurt by the debris. Arrr, the buildings be takin' a beatin' too!

Arr mateys, them pesky Russians be firin' missiles at Kyiv! 10 scallywags be feelin' the pain! Aye!

Arrr mateys, let me tell ye a tale of Ukraine bravely defendin' their capital from a scurvy attack! The scallywags fired 31 missiles, but Ukraine intercepted every last one of 'em! Aye, they be fightin' like true pirates, protectin' their homeland with all their might.
But alas, even the bravest of pirates can't escape unscathed. The debris from the missiles injured 13 innocent souls and left several buildings in shambles. Aye, 'tis a sad sight to see the destruction caused by these cowardly attacks.
But fear not, me hearties, for Ukraine be standin' strong and showin' those landlubbers that they won't be taken down so easily. Let this be a warnin' to any scallywags thinkin' they can mess with Ukraine - they be messin' with the wrong crew!

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