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Arrr, be Trump exempt from the laws of land lubbers? Morning Glory thinks not, me hearties! Aye!


Avast ye scallywags! Land lubber Hugh Hewitt be dissectin' former President Trump's civil fraud case, arguin' an appeals court must put an end to this "charade" for the sake o' New York. Arrr, be it a treacherous voyage through the legal seas, mateys!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it seems unfathomable that former President Trump has no legal recourse to challenge the $464 million fine or the bond required pending appeal. Justice Arthur Engoron, a Democrat, issued the judgment in a case of civil fraud brought by Attorney General Leticia James, also a Democrat. The entire case seems like a joke, with no private sector plaintiff and no jury involved. As someone who represented developers for decades, this case is unprecedented and absurd. The onerous payment terms and judgment amount cry out for intervention to halt this farce of a legal proceeding.The judge and AG have shown clear bias against Trump, leading to a kangaroo court proceeding that violates due process. The State of New York's actions in this case are akin to a "taking" of Trump's real estate empire. The consequences for New York's business environment could be disastrous, turning the state's justice system into a partisan shake-down operation. This case sets a dangerous precedent and threatens the integrity of the justice system. Will any court in New York step in to stop this injustice?It is imperative that further appellate review is granted before any irreversible actions are taken against Trump. Democrats cheering this outcome should consider the dangerous precedent it sets. This unjust verdict and procedure could have far-reaching implications for New York and its reputation as a place to do business. The lack of fairness and due process in this case is glaringly obvious and must be addressed before irreparable damage is done to Trump's real estate empire and the justice system as a whole.

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