The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be doin' a right long raid on Al-Shifa Hospital, makin' it one o' the longest in Gaza War! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! As Israel be layin' siege to the Shifa complex for four days, claimin' they've sent dozens of scurvy dogs to Davy Jones' locker. But who's to say if their tales be true? Aye, me thinks they be spinnin' a yarn! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! As Israel be layin' siege to the Shifa complex for a fourth day, they be claimin' they've sent dozens of scallywags to Davy Jones' locker, callin' 'em terrorists. But mark me words, this tale be harder to swallow than a rotten piece o' shark meat! Their yarn couldn't be confirmed by any soul brave enough to venture into the fray.
The scallywags in Gaza be cryin' foul, sayin' the bilge rats be targetin' innocent souls and not just the black-hearted buccaneers. The air be thick with accusations and denials, like the smoke from a cannonball fight on the high seas.
But in times like these, ye can never be too sure who be tellin' the truth and who be spoutin' lies like a leaky ship. The only thing for certain be that the clash of swords and muskets be takin' its toll on both sides, with no end in sight to this deadly dance of death.

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