The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! A wee lad be marooned in Haiti, partin' ways with his kin. Aye, 'tis a sad tale!


Arrr! The lad was marooned wit' his kin for near three weeks afore bein' whisked back to his Florida abode by a flying contraption! He be joinin' the ranks o' many a landlubber seekin' to escape the shores o' Haiti.

Arrr matey! The lad be dropped off with his kin a fortnight and a half ago, but now be airlifted back to his humble abode in Florida. Aye, he be tryin' to escape the chaos of Haiti, just like many other Americans be doin'. The waters be rough, but the lad be makin' his way back to safety.

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