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Arrr! Mexican scallywags discover 10 charred corpses in wagon by US shoreline. Aye, that's quite the roasty toasty surprise!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in Nuevo León have come across a grim sight - 10 charred souls in a carriage near Monterrey. Ye best steer clear of that cursed road, unless ye want to end up as a crispy pirate too! Aye, the seas be a treacherous place indeed.

Arrr mateys! In the land of northern Mexico, in the state of Nuevo León, a grim discovery was made by investigators. Ten bodies, burnt to a crisp, were found in a vehicle near the bustling town of Monterrey. Aye, ye heard right!State prosecutors stumbled upon one body and three skulls in a charred vehicle in Pesqueria, just outside Monterrey. But the plot thickens! Four more bodies, bones, and two additional skulls were uncovered nearby. A grand investigation is underway to uncover the true extent of this tragedy.In the early 2000s, Monterrey was a battleground for the notorious Zetas cartel. But times have changed, or so we thought! The Cartel of the Northeast, a splinter group from the old Zetas, still holds sway over Nuevo Laredo in Tamaulipas, the neighboring state.So batten down the hatches, me hearties! The seas be rough in these parts, and danger lurks around every corner. Keep a weather eye, for the lawless land of northern Mexico is not for the faint of heart!

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