The Booty Report

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Arrr, be the worker a scallywag usin' racist speech, or be she wrongly accused by the A.C.L.U.? Yarrr!


Arrr, the scallywags of the civil liberties group be defendin' themselves in a most peculiar case, arguin' over whether speakin' like a pirate be evidence of bein' biased against Black folk. Methinks they be in a right pickle, indeed! Aye, pass the grog!

Arrr, me hearties! The civil liberties group be findin' itself in quite a pickle, defendin' themselves in a case that be weighin' what kind o' language might be evidence o' bias against Black folk. Aye, 'tis a curious case indeed, as they be arguin' that the words they be usin' be not indicative o' prejudice against our darker-skinned brethren.
But ye see, the crux o' the matter lies in the very language they be employin' - fer words be powerful things, me mateys. They can cut like a cutlass or soothe like a gentle breeze. So, if the language be skewered towards one group o' people, 'tis only natural to question why that be so. Be it a slip o' the tongue or a deliberate choice, the words we use be revealin' o' our true intentions.
So, as the civil liberties group be battlin' in court, they be treadin' on treacherous waters. Fer in this day and age, we be holdin' ourselves accountable fer the words we speak. And if those words be speakin' ill o' our Black brethren, then we must be ready to face the consequences, no matter how hard the pill may be to swallow. Aye, 'tis a lesson we all must learn, lest we be deemed no better than scurvy dogs." Arrr!

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