The Booty Report

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Arrr, scallywags be causin' chaos at Moscow concert! Forty souls sent to Davy Jones' locker, so say the officials! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs of the Islamic State be claimin' responsibility for the attack, makin' it one of the deadliest in Russia's history! Shiver me timbers, them landlubbers be causin' quite the ruckus!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Them U.S. officials be blabberin' on about the Islamic State bein' behind a right nasty attack in Russia. Aye, it be one of the deadliest in decades, they say. Makes me wonder if Blackbeard himself be lurkin' about!
But me hearties, let's not be forgettin' to keep our wits about us. These landlubbers in their fancy suits like to spin tales to strike fear into our hearts. They be wantin' us to quake in our boots, shiverin' in our timbers at the thought of the Islamic State comin' for us.
Well, I say we hoist the Jolly Roger high and show 'em we ain't afraid! We be pirates, fierce and fearless, sailin' the high seas with the wind at our backs and the salt spray in our faces. Let them terrorists come, we'll be ready for 'em!
So next time ye hear them officials yammerin' on about some dastardly deed, just remember who we are, me hearties. We be pirates, and we'll be standin' strong against any foe that dares to cross our path!

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