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Arrr, Biden be chattin' with Iraqi leader 'bout endin' our swashbucklin' against the Islamic scallywags. Aye matey!


Arr! President Joe Biden be settin' sail to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in April to parley 'bout endin' the coalition against the scurvy dogs of the Islamic State. Avast ye, it be a jolly good time for a pow-wow on the high seas!

In a jolly tale fit for the high seas, President Joe Biden is set to parley with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani next month. The two leaders aim to discuss the ongoing mission of a U.S.-led coalition against the scallywags of the Islamic State in Iraq. The White House has marked April 15 on the calendar for this rendezvous.Arr matey! These discussions will cover a treasure trove of topics, from battling the Islamic State to Iraqi financial reforms and modernization efforts. The relationship between these two lands be as delicate as a fine china teacup, given the influence of Iran in Iraq's affairs.The Yankee sailors have been pressuring Iraq to squelch attacks on their bases in the region and have even restricted Baghdad's access to its own doubloons in a bid to thwart money laundering benefiting Iran and Syria.Ye remember the coalition formed to aid Iraq in its skirmish against the Islamic State? Well, talks have begun to weigh the anchor on that alliance, with some U.S. buccaneers still stationed in Iraqi waters. The visit also marks a year since the capture of a lass by an Iran-backed militia in Baghdad.Meanwhile, the kidnapped lass's sister be calling on the State Department to brand Iraq a state sponsor of terrorism and demanding her sister's release before al-Sudani gets to walk the plank into Biden's court. "I am appalled that Sudani will be allowed to shake President Biden's hand while his other hand holds the keys to my sister's shackles," she declared.

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