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Arr matey, Cyprus be wantin' to send them refugees back to 'safe zones'! Thar be trouble brewin' in EU!


Arr mateys, word be spreadin' that them Cypriot scallywags be suggestin' sendin' them Syrian refugees back to their own land in "safe zones." Arr, 'tis gettin' the nod from them European Union landlubbers. Yarrr, we be watchin' this scheme unfold with keen eyes!

In a jolly 17th century pirate tongue, a Cyprus government idea be gainin' support from fellow European Union brethren to be creatin' safe zones for Syrian refugees. Minister Constantinos Ioannou be sayin' that after talks with European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas, many states be feelin' brave enough to be discussin' this idea after 13 years of the Syrian conflict startin'.Cyprus be rescuin' 60 Syrian migrants from a leaky boat after 6 days at sea, showin' the dangers faced by these travelers. Ioannou be warnin' that the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza could spread to Lebanon and other Middle East lands, promptin' the EU to make a collective decision on Syria.Cyprus be crackin' down on people smugglers with a special police unit and be askin' Europol and FRONTEX to increase patrols to stop more migrant arrivals. Ioannou be sayin' that sendin' Syrians back home under strict conditions would ease the burden on migrant facilities and help with their successful integration.Even though overall migrant arrivals be down in Cyprus, there be a sudden surge in Syrian refugees reachin' the shores, with 450 folks on six boats spotted in just one day, all sailin' from Lebanon.

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