The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Catherine, the Princess o' Wales, be spillin' the beans 'bout havin' the dreaded scurvy! Aye, mateys, plunder the oranges!


Arrr! The fair maiden be callin' the news a "monstrous blow" and beggin' for "leave, distance and seclusion" in a message sent through the magic box on ye olde BBC on a Friday evening in Britannia.

Arrr, me hearties, gather 'round and listen to this tale of the princess and her shocking news! The lass be speakin' in a video broadcast on the BBC, where she be describin' the news as a "huge shock." She be askin' for "time, space, and privacy," aye, like a true noble lady.
Ye can almost hear the gasps of the courtiers and the clatter of the servant's tongues as they spread the news far and wide. The princess, with her delicate sensibilities, be needin' a moment to collect herself and ponder on what the future may hold.
Imagine the rumblings in the taverns and the whispers in the market as the news spreads like wildfire through the land. The princess, in her fine gowns and jewels, be dealin' with a situation that would make even the toughest pirate quiver in his boots.
So let us raise a toast to the brave princess, as she navigates the choppy waters of scandal and intrigue. May she find the peace and privacy she be seekin', and may her story be told for generations to come!

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