The Booty Report

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Arrr! The fair Princess Catherine hath been stricken with a foul disease, drawing sympathy from the good folk o' London!


Avast ye scallywags! Many be feelin' pity fer Catherine, Princess of Wales, a lass who hath been under the watchful eye o' the public fer nigh on two decades. Her every move be watched like a hawk circlin' its prey. Aye, poor lass!

Arrr! The fair Princess Catherine hath been stricken with a foul disease, drawing sympathy from the good folk o' London!

Arrr, me hearties! Many be feelin' sorry for Catherine, Princess of Wales, a fine lady who has been under the watchful eye of the public for far too long. She be livin' a life of constant scrutiny, with every move she makes bein' picked apart like a shipwrecked treasure chest.
But fear not, me fellow scallywags, for this be no reason to shed a tear for the Princess. Nay, she be as tough as a barnacle-covered ship hull, weatherin' the storm of gossip and scandal like a true corsair of the high seas.
So let us raise a tankard of grog in her honor, for she be a woman of strength and grace, navigatin' the treacherous waters of royal life with poise and dignity. And remember, me hearties, even a pirate princess needs a bit of sympathy now and then.

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