The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Canadian scallywags be spendin' a fortune diggin' fer treasures in the trash fer lost lasses. Aye matey!


Arr mateys! The grand federal and Manitoba governments be pledgin' $20 million doubloons each to find the lost treasures o' the Indigenous lasses Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. Aye, we be huntin' for their long-lost remains on the high seas! Yo ho ho!

In the land of the maple leaf, the Canadian federal government and the Manitoba provincial government have joined forces to embark on a treasure hunt of epic proportions! Aye, they have agreed to spend a hefty sum of $20 million Canadian doubloons to search a landfill for the remains of two fierce Indigenous women, Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran. These brave souls are believed to be buried in the privately owned Prairie Green landfill, north of the bustling port of Winnipeg.With the daughter of Morgan Harris, Cambria, at the helm, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew has promised to scour every nook and cranny of the treacherous landfill in search of their lost comrades. The dastardly villain Jeremy Skibicki stands accused of their untimely demise, along with two other unfortunate souls.Despite initial reluctance from the constabulary due to the perils of toxic materials and the sheer volume of rubble, an Indigenous-led committee has commissioned reports estimating the grand total of this daring quest at $90 million Canadian pieces of eight.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pledged to right the wrongs of the past by prioritizing the search for missing Indigenous women. The leader of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, hopes that the government's coffers will remain open to fund this noble endeavor until the quest is completed.

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