The Booty Report

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Arrr! The U.N. Chief be cryin' foul o'er the pitiful state o' Gaza. 'Tis a moral outrage, says he!


Arrr mateys! The Secretary General Guterres be sailin' to the Rafah border, demandin' a cease-fire like a true buccaneer. Standin' with the scallywags in Palestine, he be showin' solidarity like a fine pirate should. Yo ho ho, let's make peace on the high seas!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! Secretary General António Guterres be makin' a visit to the Rafah border crossing, callin' for an immediate cease-fire and showin' solidarity with them landlubbers in Palestinian territory. Aye, he be speakin' in the name of peace and harmony, tryin' to end the fightin' and bloodshed that be goin' on like a never-endin' storm.
With his words, he be tryin' to bring an end to the plunderin' and pillagin' that be causin' harm to innocent folk. The Secretary General be standin' up for what be right, showin' compassion for them who be sufferin' from the violence that be tearin' families apart.
So let's all raise a mug o' grog to Secretary General António Guterres, for tryin' to bring peace to the troubled waters of the Rafah border crossin'. May his words be heard like a cannon blast across the seven seas, bringin' hope to all who be caught in the crossfire of this war. Arrr, let's hope his message be heard loud and clear, and that the fightin' be endin' soon!

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