The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, me hearties! The tempest be bringin' a mighty load o' snow to New England and Northern New York!


Arrr mateys, in Central Park, 3.63 inches of rain did pour on Saturday. Philadelphia had 3.06 inches, makin' it the wettest day ever in March, as the forecasters did say. Shiver me timbers, that be a mighty fine amount of rain!

Arrr mateys, listen up! In Central Park, a grand total of 3.63 inches of that pesky rain fell on Saturday. But hold on to yer hats, cause in the fair city of Philadelphia, they got a whopping 3.06 inches! Shiver me timbers, that be the wettest calendar day ever recorded in the month of March, according to them fancy forecasters.
Ye may be wonderin', why be I speakin' like a swashbucklin' pirate? Well, me hearties, it be more excitin' this way, don't ye think? Instead of just hearin' 'bout some measly rain, ye get to hear 'bout it in the language of the high seas!
So next time ye be complainin' 'bout a bit of rain, just remember the tales of Central Park and Philadelphia. And be grateful that ye ain't out there gettin' soaked to the bone like those poor souls. May fair winds and clear skies be upon ye, me fellow adventurers!

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