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Arrr, what be this ISIS-K scallywag group, tied to the Moscow concert hall raid and Abbey Gate blast of 2021?


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs of ISIS-K be claimin' responsibility for the boom-boom at Abbey Gate in Kabul, the twin blasts in Iran, and now even the Moscow Concert Hall! They be tryin' to show off their reach, but they be naught but landlubbers with a taste for trouble!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys be learnin' that the U.S. be blamin' ISIS-K for the terrorist attack on the Moscow concert hall. Arr, but who be this scurvy group, and what be their interest in Russia? Bill Roggio, a scurvy fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, be sayin' that ISIS be usin' its network of jihadists in Central Asia to plan and carry out attacks like the one in Moscow, appealin' to the more fervent pirates who ain't keen on Al Qaeda's long-term plans.ISIS-K, the band o' pirates claimin' responsibility for the Moscow attack, be causin' chaos and destruction in the city, leadin' to the arrest of 11 scallywags. Russian President Putin be rightly callin' it a barbaric act and declarin' a day of mourning for the victims.The State Department be warnin' U.S. citizens in Russia of potential attacks at large gatherings, includin' concerts. The U.S. intelligence be sharin' information with the Russians about the planned attack, as be their duty to warn policy.ISIS-K, based in Afghanistan, be raisin' hell and plottin' attacks on Russia, accusin' the Kremlin of Muslim deaths in various regions. The group be at odds with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, causin' a ruckus in Central Asia and beyond.Gen. Kurilla be warnin' that ISIS-K be plottin' external attacks against U.S. interests, but he be hopin' to thwart their plans. The Biden administration be on high alert, trackin' ISIS-K's every move and preventin' further attacks.Despite the challenges, officials be workin' tirelessly to degrade ISIS-K and prevent their nefarious schemes from comin' to fruition. The battle against these pirates be far from over, and the world be standin' together to combat this threat.

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