The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Israeli bigwig sets sail for Washington as relations sour in the Middle East! Avast ye landlubbers!


Arr matey, Israel and the Biden crew be locked in a fierce battle over the scallywags in Gaza! They be talkin' about raidin' Rafah! Me thinks they should settle it like true pirates and have a good ol' fashioned sword fight on the high seas! Arr!

Arr, mateys! The seas be rough between Israel and the Biden crew o'er the battle against the scurvy dogs of Hamas in Gaza. Tensions be high, with talks o' a raid in the treacherous waters o' Rafah. The cannons be primed fer conflict, and neither side be backin' down.
Israel be demandin' the Biden crew show more support fer their fight against the pirates o' Hamas, while the Biden crew be callin' fer restraint and a ceasefire. The parley between the two crews be growin' more heated by the day, with neither side willin' to give an inch.
But beware, me hearties! The winds o' war be blowin' strong, and the clash between Israel and the Biden crew may soon come to a head. Will they be able to find common ground and end the bloodshed, or will they continue on their course to destruction? Only time will tell in this epic battle on the high seas.

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