The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, the Energy Dept be givin' $6 billion to scallywags to cut carbon from their industries! Aye, progress be made!


Arrr mateys, these industries be spewin' out 25 percent of America's foul emissions like a leaky bilge pump! The scallywags in the Biden crew be tryin' to scrub 'em clean, but it be like tryin' to mop up the ocean with a bucket! Arrr!

Ahoy mateys! Avast! Did ye know that these landlubber industries be producin' a whoppin' 25 percent o' America's planet-warming emissions? Aye, 'tis true! But fear not, for the Biden administration be settin' sail on a grand quest to clean up these foul emissions!
Arr, cleanin' up these industries be no easy feat, me hearties! 'Tis like tryin' to scrub the barnacles off the bottom of yer ship while sailin' through a storm! But the Biden crew be workin' hard to find ways to make these scallywag industries walk the plank o' pollution!
Ye see, these industries be like a cursed treasure chest o' carbon emissions, belchin' out smoke and fumes like a volcano! But the Biden administration be lookin' to plunder this treasure chest and make these scurvy dogs walk the plank o' pollution!
So, me hearties, let's raise our mugs o' grog to the Biden crew and their quest to clean up these foul emissions! Arr, may they be successful in their mission and help steer America towards cleaner waters and bluer skies!

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