The Booty Report

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Yo ho ho! Raise the grog for them brave souls who be makin' the ultimate sacrifice! Aye, cheers to them!


Arrr mateys! 'Tis a rare treasure indeed, as only a handful of brave souls have been honored with the highest award for gallantry. Let us raise a tankard on National Medal of Honor Day, and toast to these legendary buccaneers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Arrr matey, when ye be flyin' a helicopter, ye best be keepin' a keen eye on yer surroundings, savvy? I learned this lesson while flyin' o'er 2,500 combat missions in Vietnam, rescuin' over 5,000 wounded soldiers. And now, as I look around me, I see the absence of two brave souls - Roger Donlon and Larry Taylor, recipients of the Medal of Honor like meself. Their passin' leaves only 63 livin' recipients of this prestigious award, many nearin' the end of their adventures.National Medal of Honor Day on March 25 be a time to honor the courage and sacrifice of these exceptional individuals, remindin' us of the principles they fought for. As a proud recipient meself, I carry the weight of this honor with gratitude and respect. The Medal of Honor symbolizes courage, sacrifice, and patriotism, transcending all boundaries.Since the Civil War, less than 4,000 out of 40 million service members have been granted this award for acts of gallantry. Their tales, from famous figures like Alvin York to unsung heroes, inspire us with the power of selfless service. The National Medal of Honor Museum, openin' in 2025, will preserve these legends for future generations.The museum, along with a monument on the National Mall, will remind us that the Medal of Honor embodies the collective spirit of our nation. In times of turmoil, the stories of these heroes offer hope and resilience. Let us celebrate National Medal of Honor Day by standin' united and upholdin' the values that make America truly special. Arrr!

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