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Arrr! Pope Francis be dodgin' the Palm Sunday speech like a sneaky sea dog! Aye, he be crafty indeed!


Arrr, ol' Pope Francis be playin' hooky from his sermon duty on Palm Sunday! Instead o' preachin', he be takin' a joy ride 'round St. Peter's Square. Aye, must be nice bein' a high 'n mighty pontiff!

Arrr, me hearties! Pope Francis be breakin' tradition like a scallywag during the start of Holy Week on Sunday, swashbucklin' his way through Mass without readin' his annual Palm Sunday homily, much to the surprise of the crowd in St. Peter’s Square. The old salt has been sufferin' from bronchitis and influenza, so he had his matey read his addresses for him in recent weeks. But on this particular Sunday, his prepared text was left gatherin' dust.Holy Week be startin' with Palm Sunday, leadin' the way to Easter, and 'tis a rare sight to see a pope skip a homily at such an important event. The Vatican didn't give a reason for his sudden change in plans, instead choosin' to aim the cameras at the crowd while an announcer explained the situation on Vatican Radio.The service, commemoratin' Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before his betrayal and crucifixion, drew a crowd of about 60,000 people, all holdin' palms and olive branches. After the Mass, the pope delivered his Sunday Angelus message, condemnin' a vile attack in Moscow and askin' for prayers for those sufferin' in Gaza, Ukraine, and other war-torn areas.After the service, Francis took a joyous ride around the square, wavin' and smilin' at the crowd like a jolly pirate captain. Aye, 'twas a curious turn of events indeed during this Holy Week!Arrr! That be the tale of Pope Francis and his unexpected swerve during the start of Holy Week, me hearties. May we all weather the storm and find peace in these turbulent times. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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