The Booty Report

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The scallywags from Russia be pointin' fingers at Ukraine for the shenanigans at the Moscow Concert Hall! Arrrr!


Arrr, the scallywags at the news be tryin' to dispute the U.S. reckonin' that the treacherous attack on the concert hall near Moscow be the doin's of a branch of the Islamic State. Methinks they be searchin' for some buried treasure of their own!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up to this here tale of news outlets tryin' to counter the U.S. assessments about a deadly assault near Moscow! They were claimin' it was the work of an offshoot of the Islamic State, but the news be spreadin' like wildfire, makin' folks doubtin' the truth of it all!
The scallywags at the news outlets were tryin' to steer the ship away from the U.S. assessments, but it be like tryin' to patch up a leaky boat with a bandana – it just ain't gonna hold water! The U.S. assessments be standin' firm like the mast of a ship in a storm, and the news outlets be flounderin' in their attempts to counter it!
So, me hearties, next time ye hear a tale of news outlets tryin' to counter the U.S. assessments, just remember – it be like tryin' to sail against the wind, a futile effort that'll only end in disaster! Keep a weather eye on the horizon and a clear head, and ye won't be fooled by their trickery!

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