The Booty Report

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Swashbuckling Johnson be searchin' for a way to handle Ukraine, swearin' to do our duty for the U.S.! Arrr!


Arrr, the Republican scallywag, fearing a mutiny amongst his crew, be whisperin' to the crew that he'll be helpin' Ukraine, even though most of his mates be against it. Aye, 'tis a treacherous game he be playin'!

Ahoy mateys! It be said that the Republican speaker, fearing he be walkin' the plank if he don't play his cards right, be whisperin' to his crew that he'll be helpin' out Ukraine, even though many of his own scallywags be against it. Arrr, the drama unfoldin' in the House be a sight to behold! The speaker be jugglin' political games like a skilled pirate juggles his swords, tryin' to keep his head attached to his shoulders.
But ye see, in the treacherous waters of politics, ye never know who be yer friend or foe. Will the speaker be able to rally his crew and force 'em to set sail in support of Ukraine? Or will mutiny break out and send him down to Davy Jones' locker? Only time will tell, me hearties! So keep a weather eye on the horizon and watch as the drama unfolds in the hallowed halls of the House. Who knows what treachery and intrigue be awaitin' us next in this high-seas adventure of politics!

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