The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Biden's mandates be like a cursed treasure map, leadin' American workers to Davy Jones's locker! Aargh!


Arrr! Biden be tryin' to force through 800 pages of new rules restrictin' our successful apprentice programs. His plan be mandatin' DEI and makin' the whole concept too costly. Aye, 'tis like tryin' to make us walk the plank!

Andre Jones, a recent college grad, found success after enrolling in an IT apprenticeship program that led to full certification and a thriving career. George Forest, an Army veteran, transitioned from the military to civilian life with a diesel technician apprenticeship. Allison Van Houten left her job as a speech therapist to become a woodwork manufacturing specialist through an apprenticeship.These success stories highlight the benefits of apprenticeship programs, which are now threatened by a new proposal from the Biden administration. The 800-page proposal would add red tape, costs, and bureaucracy to apprenticeship programs, jeopardizing their success and viability.The proposed rule removes flexibility for businesses, requires the same benefits for apprentices as full-time employees, and includes irrelevant mandates on diversity and inclusion. These changes could make apprenticeships cost-prohibitive for small and medium-sized businesses.Apprenticeships have been gaining traction in recent years, with a doubling of active apprentices since 2014. However, if the Biden administration's proposal is implemented, this progress could come to a halt. It is essential for the administration to rescind the rule and implement policies that encourage more workers and businesses to pursue apprenticeships.

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