The Booty Report

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Arrr, Deutsche Bahn and the scurvy train drivers' union finally be settlin' their quarrel after many moons of strikes!


Arr matey, ye hear the news? The Deutsche Bahn and the GDL union have settled their quarrel over booty and hours o' toil. No more scallywagging about, it be time to sail smoothly on the rails once more, aye!

In jolly good news from the high seas of Germany, the main railway operator and the union of train drivers have finally settled their quarrel over working hours and pay after a long and fierce battle marked by strikes, arrr!Neither the GDL union nor the state-owned railway operator Deutsche Bahn has spilled the beans on the specifics of their agreement just yet, but they be planning to make separate announcements soon, so keep a weather eye out!The GDL union had been calling for strikes left and right during this dispute, causing chaos for months on end. This be just one of many pay disputes plaguing the transport sector, with other scallywags like local transport workers, ground staff, cabin crew for Lufthansa, and airport security staff getting in on the action.The heart of the matter was GDL's demand to cut working hours from 38 to 35 per week without losing any booty. Some smaller private operators gave in to this demand, but how exactly GDL and Deutsche Bahn settled this sticky wicket remains a mystery for now, arrr!

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