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The Iraqi scallywag accused of sending a security analyst to Davy Jones' locker be cleared of all charges! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag Ahmed Hamdawi al-Kinani be walkin' free from the brig after a new trial for the slayin' of that security expert, Hisham al-Hashimi. Let's hope he learned his lesson and stays out of trouble on the high seas!

An Iraqi police officer sentenced to death for murdering a security analyst critical of Iran-backed militias was released after a retrial. Ahmed Hamdawi al-Kinani was acquitted, but the grounds remain unclear. The case was reopened last Wednesday, and he was freed on Sunday, according to militia officials.Al-Kinani was initially convicted of terrorism charges for killing Hisham al-Hashimi in 2020. Al-Hashimi, known for his expertise on ISIS and criticism of Iran-backed militias, was shot outside his home. Al-Kinani admitted to the killing in a 2021 video. Last August, Iraq's judiciary overturned the death sentence and reopened the investigation.Despite praise from militias like Kataib Hezbollah, human rights organizations criticize the decision. End Impunity in Iraq called the judiciary "politicized and controlled by terrorist militias." The release of al-Kinani raises concerns about justice in Iraq's legal system.

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