The Booty Report

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Arrr, the lass be claimin' she was ravaged and tormented in Gaza. Sounds like a tall tale to me!


Arrr mateys, 'tis be said that Amit Soussana be the first former hostage to speak of bein' sexually abused while held captive. Aye, a U.N. report claims some poor souls endured "conflict-related sexual violence." Shiver me timbers, what a treacherous tale indeed!

Ahoy mateys! It be a sad tale we be hearin' today. Amit Soussana be speakin' out about bein' sexually abused while held captive. Aye, the scurvy dogs that be holdin' her hostage be usin' her for their own vile purposes. The United Nations be confirm in a report that some hostages were indeed subjected to such despicable acts.
It be a grievous injustice for any soul to be sufferin' such horrors while held against their will. Tis a violation of the highest order, a crime against humanity. We must stand together and demand justice for all those who have been victims of sexual violence in times of conflict.
Amit Soussana be showin' great courage in speakin' out about her ordeal. Her bravery be an inspiration to us all. We must support her and all others who have been victims of such heinous acts. Let us join hands and fight against the tyranny of those who seek to harm others in such a vile manner.

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