The Booty Report

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Arrr! Those scallywags be takin' gifts from the Ruskies on election day. Shame on ye, Austrian coppers!


Arr mateys, the Austrian swashbucklers who guarded the Russian treasure trove during their election shindig were rewarded with booty from the embassy scallywags as they set sail. 'Twas a jolly good time had by all, aye!

Arr mateys! The Austrian police officers guardin' the Russian Embassy on the day of their presidential election were given small presents as they departed, according to Vienna police. The Russians be offerin' paper bags filled with trinkets like calendars and chocolates to the officers.Now, the Vienna police be sayin' that acceptin' these gifts don't be breakin' no laws for civil servants in Austria. But they also be warnin' that it gives off a bad impression and don't show the officers in a good light.So the officers be told to refuse these presents in a nice but firm manner in the future. Meanwhile, the Russians abroad be votin' at their embassies for Putin's next six-year term, while the Austrian government be kickin' out two Russian diplomats for spyin'.The police be keepin' an eye on the embassy on election day, interactin' with embassy staff and even poppin' in for a visit now and then. After the last voters left, some officers be seen leavin' with gift bags sporting the Russian emblem. One officer even said they just went in to use the loo!

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