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Arr mateys, the scallywags in Thailand be makin' a grand decision to permit same-sex matrimony! Huzzah!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in the House of Representatives have given the thumbs up to same-sex matrimony! Now the bill be setting sail for the Senate in Thailand. Let's hope they don't make us walk the plank before marriage be legal across the seven seas!

Arr mateys, ye won't believe the news from the land lubbers in the House of Representatives! They've gone and voted to make same-sex marriage legal across the land. Shiver me timbers! But hold onto yer hats, me hearties, for the bill now be makin' its way to the Senate of Thailand. Will they be hoistin' the colors and givin' a hearty 'aye' to this here law, or will they make the scallywags walk the plank?
Me thinks the winds of change be blowin', but there be many a pirate and privateer who still be flyin' the Jolly Roger against same-sex marriage. But fear not, me maties, for the tides be turnin' in favor of love and equality. Methinks it won't be long before all the seven seas be open for all to marry who they please, regardless of who be sharin' their hammock.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to the brave souls in the House of Representatives, and keep a weather eye on the horizon for the Senate's decision. Who knows, maybe soon we'll be hearin' the wedding bells ringin' for all the land lubbers and scallywags alike. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, love be winnin' the day!

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