The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywag who owned the Baltimore ship that crashed had his vessels cited for labor infractions! Blimey!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags on them vessels be payin' their crews a pittance and makin' 'em stay aboard for moons longer than they agreed. 'Tis a shameful act, me hearties! The Australian regulators be keepin' a keen eye on these roguish practices, mark me words!

Arrr, mateys! 'Tis been revealed by an Australian regulator that them vessels be treatin' their crews like scurvy dogs! The scallywags on board be workin' for months beyond their contracts, without proper pay or time off. Them captains be squeezin' every last drop of labor from their crew, like a thirsty pirate drinkin' rum!
Arrr, it be a sad tale indeed, me hearties. These poor sailors be forced to toil away on the high seas, with naught but a promise of pay that never comes. 'Tis a violation of their rights as free men, to be kept prisoner on board a ship without proper compensation!
We must stand together, me fellow pirates, and demand justice for these poor souls! We must show these greedy captains that the crew are not just mere chattel to be used and abused at their whim. Let us raise our voices in protest, and make sure that these scallywags be held accountable for their crimes against their fellow seafarers!

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