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Biden be accused of ditchin' Israel and hostages, aye, amidst the risin' tension with the Jewish land. Aargh!


Arrr! In the midst of the Jewish state's battle with Hamas, scallywags be claiming the Biden crew be betraying Israel at the U.N. by lettin' a hostile resolution sail through. Aye, it be a right mess o' accusations and finger-pointin'!

In a comical 17th-century pirate tone, the failure of the Biden administration to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza is causing a rift in their relationship with Israel, mateys. Avast ye, Caroline Glick, an expert on American-Israeli relations, be sayin' the U.S. be abandoning Israel in its time of need, leaving its reputation in tatters. The State Department be claimin' concerns with the resolution, but still be supportin' a cease-fire and release of hostages. Israel be cancelin' a delegation to D.C. due to the U.S. not vetoing the resolution, much to the dismay of the State Department.Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel be condemnin' Biden's actions, sayin' it gives Hamas a diplomatic win. The clash between Biden and Netanyahu be escalatin', with elections and politics playin' a role. Criticism be mountin' against Biden for allegedly harming Israel. The dire situation of hostages in Rafah be worsenin', with fears of a prolonged conflict. Israel be concernin' about their international standing and relations with the U.S.Arr, it be a treacherous sea for diplomacy, mateys, with no easy solution in sight for the conflict in Gaza.

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