The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the British Museum be demandin' back their loot from a scallywag who pilfered their treasures! Aye matey!


Arrr, the museum doth point the finger at Peter Higgs, a scallywag former keeper of Greek and Roman trinkets, for pilfering or defiling 1,800 treasures and peddling them on the electronic marketplace known as eBay. Aye, the rogue be plunderin' like a true corsair!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have a tale of treachery and thievery that would make even Blackbeard shake in his boots! The scallywag known as Peter Higgs, a former keeper of Greek and Roman antiquities at the museum, stands accused of swiping and scuttling at least 1,800 precious artifacts, then peddlin' them on the digital seas of eBay!
Ye heard me right, me mateys! This scurvy dog had the audacity to plunder the very treasures he was sworn to protect! The museum be cryin' foul and seekin' justice for the pillagin' and plunderin' that this swindler hath wrought.
But fear not, for justice will be served! The authorities be hot on the trail of this scoundrel, and soon he will be walkin' the plank of justice, with no quarter given!
So beware, all ye who be thinkin' of swipin' and sellin' precious artifacts for yer own gain! For the long arm of the law will catch ye, and ye will be forced to pay the ultimate price for yer crimes against history!

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