The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Martin Scorsese be takin' to the high seas with a religious series for Fox Nation, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! The swashbucklin' Oscar-winnin' director be joinin' Fox News' crew, alongside the likes of Kevin Costner, Rob Lowe, and Dan Aykroyd. 'Tis a fine addition to our roster of scallywags and scoundrels! Aye, 'tis a grand sight to behold!

Arrr matey! Ye won't believe the news on the high seas of Hollywood! The swashbucklin' Oscar-winning director be settin' sail for the Fox News streaming platform, joinin' the likes of Kevin Costner, Rob Lowe, and Dan Aykroyd. Aye, tis a crew of mighty fine actors and filmmakers aboard this ship.
It be a treasure trove of talent, me hearties! Ye can bet yer doubloons that these scallywags be bringin' their A-game to entertain the landlubbers. The Fox News streaming platform be a hotspot for all ye sea dogs lookin' for some quality entertainment on the seven seas.
So raise the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure with this star-studded crew! Whether ye be a fan of swashbucklin' epics or rib-ticklin' comedies, there be somethin' for everyone on this platform. So batten down the hatches and get ready to be entertained like never before!

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