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Arrr, Banksy's London tree painting be trapped in plastic and guarded from scallywags who dare to deface it!


Arrr! Ye see, me hearties, a grand painting by the famous Banksy appeared in London, only to be besmirched by some scallywag's handiwork! The officials have sealed it in plastic for safekeeping, but fear not, for we shall find the scoundrel responsible and make 'em walk the plank!

Arr, it be a sad day for the fans of the elusive street artist Banksy, mateys. The environmentally themed mural that appeared on a London street last week has been encased in plastic and surrounded by fencing after an act of vandalism befallen upon it. The mural, featuring a small figure holding a pressure hose beside a pruned cherry tree, quickly drew crowds from around the world, only to be splattered with white paint two days later.The building's owner then covered the artwork in plastic and erected wooden boards to protect it from further harm. The local authority, Islington Council, cited concerns from residents about disruption caused by the influx of visitors to the site as the reason for fencing it off.Banksy, known for his secretive identity, has faced challenges with his outdoor murals being stolen or removed in the past. However, this latest work incorporating a real tree may prove more difficult to remove. Islington Council has vowed to monitor the site and work with the building owner to find a solution that allows people to continue enjoying the artwork.

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