The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywag who be burnin' holy texts now be seekin' refuge in a new land. Walk the plank!


Arrr mateys! Salwan Momika, a scallywag from Iraq who be known for burnin' the Quran in Sweden, be plannin' to sail to Norway for asylum after them Swedish dogs be sendin' him packin'. Aye, best be watchin' out for this troublemaker on the high seas!

Arr, ye scallywags! Listen up as I tell ye a tale of a rogue Iraqi man named Salwan Momika who be causin' quite a stir in Sweden with his Quran burnings. This landlubber be makin' a spectacle of himself by desecratin' the sacred book of Islam, raisin' the ire of many a Muslim nation.But now, this scoundrel be on the run, seekin' asylum in Norway after the Swedish authorities gave him the boot. He be claimin' that Sweden only be acceptin' terrorists, while philosophers like himself be gettin' the heave-ho.This buccaneer's antics even be causin' a delay in Sweden's NATO membership, with countries like Turkey givin' the thumbs down to Stockholm joinin' the alliance. The Swedish authorities be investigatin' him for incitin' hatred against ethnic groups in the country.Despite his residence permit bein' revoked and a deportation order hangin' over his head, Momika be fearin' for his life if he be sent back to Iraq. So, he be settin' sail for Norway, a land he claims be welcomin' and respectin' him unlike Sweden.Only time will tell if this scallywag be findin' safe harbor in Norway or if his antics be catchin' up with him once again. Arr, the life of a pirate be a treacherous one indeed!

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