The Booty Report

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Arr! Russia be considerin' bringin' back the ol' scallywag's noose, but some scallywags be against it.


Arrr, me hearties! The prominent Russians be cryin' for the heads of them responsible for the massacre at the concert hall near Moscow! They be wantin' to bring back the hangin' and cuttin' to put an end to the 28-year sleepin' of the ol' hangman's noose! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! Them landlubbers in Russia be callin' for the heads of those responsible for the bloody massacre at that concert hall near Moscow. They be wantin' to bring back the hangin' and beheadin' for the scallywags who be causin' such mayhem.
They be talkin' 'bout endin' the 28-year ban on capital punishment, makin' me wonder if I should be avoidin' them Russian waters lest I end up swingin' from the gallows meself!
But let's be real here, me hearties. Executin' them responsible for the massacre may satisfy the thirst for revenge, but it ain't gonna bring back the lives lost or heal the wounds inflicted by them dastardly deeds.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to peace and justice, and hope that them Russian authorities find a way to bring the miscreants to justice without resortin' to the hangman's noose. After all, there be plenty of other ways to make them scallywags pay for their crimes without sendin' them to Davy Jones' locker!

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