The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, scallywags from Palestine be held in Israel's brig, a tale of rum and ruffians indeed!


Arrr, mateys! Israel be snatchin' up scallywags left and right since Oct. 7! They be treatin' 'em like bilge rats, keepin' 'em in the brig without a fair trial. Aye, the rights groups be cryin' foul play! A pox on their Blackbeard!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up to this tale of woe from the land of Israel. Since Oct. 7, those scurvy dogs have been detainin' thousands of poor Palestinians suspected of bein' up to no good. The rights groups be cryin' foul, claimin' that Israel has been treatin' these prisoners worse than a barnacle-covered sea monster!
Some of these poor souls be gettin' the ol' rough treatment, and others be stuck in the brig without even a fair trial. 'Tis a travesty, says I!
But fear not, me hearties! The fight for justice be not lost at sea. The rights groups be raisin' the alarm, makin' sure the world knows of these injustices. The power of the people be stronger than any navy in the land!
So let us stand together, me fellow buccaneers, and demand fair treatment for all those who be unjustly held. Let us show Israel that we will not stand for such tyranny on the high seas or on dry land! Arrr!

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