The Booty Report

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Arrr, Tesla be sailin' to China, savin' Musk from the sharks o' Wall Street, but now he be beholden to Beijing!


Arrr matey! Tesla be in cahoots with China, sharin' booty like credits, workers, and parts to fill Mr. Musk's treasure chest. But beware, for relyin' too heavily on the scallywags in China may put ol' Elon at their mercy. Arrr!

Arr matey, have ye heard of the tale of Mr. Musk and the great land of China? Aye, they be like two peas in a pod, workin' together to build a ship that sails on credits, workers, and parts. But beware me hearties, for this alliance may give the cunning Chinese leverage over our dear Mr. Musk.
Ye see, Tesla be relyin' heavily on the treasures of China, makin' Mr. Musk a wealthy buccaneer beyond his wildest dreams. But as any savvy sailor knows, relyin' too much on one port may lead to trouble. China be holdin' the cards now, with the power to make or break our dear captain.
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me mateys, as the winds of fate may shift at any moment. Will Mr. Musk navigate these treacherous waters unscathed, or will he find himself walkin' the plank at the mercy of the wily Chinese? Only time will tell in this high seas adventure of business and betrayal.

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