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Arrr, Israel be callin' UN a scurvy dog for holdin' back aid from Gaza! Ye scallywags!


Arrr mateys, the U.N. be blamin' Israel for blockin' the aid to Gaza, but Israel be swearin' it be the scallywags of Hamas stealin' the booty. 'Tis a right mess of a situation, with more twists and turns than a kraken's tentacle!

In a visit to Egypt, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres witnessed blocked relief trucks awaiting entry into Gaza, leading to accusations from Israel that the U.N. was hindering aid distribution. The U.N. and Israeli authorities are in a dispute over the flow of aid to the 2 million civilians in Gaza. Israel claims there are no restrictions on aid, while the U.N. cites screening procedures and limited operating hours at border crossings as obstacles. The U.N. Relief and Works Agency has been accused of collaborating with Hamas, hindering aid distribution. Local gangs are looting aid, and some aid workers have been killed while distributing supplies. Both Hamas and Israel are capable of distributing aid effectively, but challenges persist due to political manipulation and security concerns.The IDF has increased humanitarian efforts in Gaza, working with international organizations to deliver aid. COGAT spokesperson emphasized Israel's commitment to aiding Gaza's population despite challenges. The U.N. Secretary-General's credibility has been questioned due to alleged bias towards Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. The State Department called for further Israeli cooperation in facilitating humanitarian assistance to Gaza, highlighting the need for improved aid distribution to alleviate the crisis.

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