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Arrr mateys, the Palestinian Authority be swabbin' the decks with a new crew in response to global squawks for change!


Arrr, the Palestinian Authority be settin' up a new Cabinet in response to land lubbers demandin' change. But those scurvy dogs from Hamas be refusin' to recognize the new government. Avast, tis a tale as old as the seven seas!

The Palestinian Authority be hoistin' the Jolly Roger and announced the formation of a new Cabinet as it faces international pressure to walk the plank and reform. President Mahmoud Abbas, who has been sailin' the PA ship for nearly two decades and still be holdin' the wheel, announced the new government in a presidential decree on Thursday. None of the incoming ministers be a well-known figure, like hidden treasure waitin' to be discovered.Abbas chose Mohammad Mustafa, a longtime adviser and a U.S.-educated economist, to be the prime minister. Mustafa swore on his mother's grave to form a technocratic government and create a trust fund to help rebuild Gaza. Mustafa be wearin' two hats as he also be servin' as the foreign minister.The new Cabinet includes members from Gaza, but it be foggy if they still be there. The PA mops the deck in parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank but lost its grip on Gaza to those scurvy dogs of Hamas in 2007.Opinion polls show that most of the crew want the old captain Abbas to walk the plank. The United States be wantin' a revitalized PA to take over postwar Gaza before it can sail towards statehood. Israel be refusin' to hand over the keys to Gaza and be lookin' for other partners.Hamas be callin' the new government illegitimate and demandin' a power-sharing government with all factions before settin' sail for national elections. Anyone who dares to work with Israel in Gaza be warned of a one-way trip to Davy Jones' locker.

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