The Booty Report

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Arrr, the U.N. Court be tellin' Israel to let the aid flow freely into Gaza, or face their wrath!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags at the International Court o' Justice in The Hague be talkin' all fancy-like 'bout helpin' out them folks in the enclave. Sounds like they be pullin' out all the stops this time! Avast, mateys!

Arr matey, ye won't believe the squabble goin' on at The International Court of Justice in The Hague! South Africa be takin' on some scallywags over humanitarian assistance for a little enclave. And let me tell ye, those judges be gettin' riled up, usin' their strongest language yet! It be like watchin' a sword fight on the high seas!
I can just imagine those lawyers arguin' their case, swashbucklin' their words back and forth. South Africa be demandin' justice for the people of the enclave, and those judges be listenin' with keen ears. They be weighin' the evidence like a good pirate weighin' his loot.
But in the end, who will prevail in this battle of wits and words? Will the enclave get the humanitarian assistance it be needin', or will the scallywags be walkin' the plank? Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be certain - this be one court case that be makin' waves in the seven seas!

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