The Booty Report

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Arrr me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the latest tales o' the News Quiz fer March 29, 2024!


Avast ye mateys! How many moons did Ronna McDaniel spend at NBC? What be Sam Bankman-Fried's fate? Test yer knowledge with Fox News Digital's News Quiz and see if ye can achieve a flawless score! Arrr!

Arrr me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the latest tales o' the News Quiz fer March 29, 2024!

Arrr mateys! This week's News Quiz be filled with tales of Ronna McDaniel's troubles at NBC and the fall of the crypto king, Sam Bankman-Fried! Ye best keep yer wits about ye as ye try to prove yer knowledge of the past week's happenings!
If ye be lookin' to test yer mettle, take a gander at our quiz below. And if ye be usin' the app, click here to get started!
Want more swashbucklin' fun? Check out last week's News Quiz here!
If ye be wantin' to test yer savvy in American culture, take a shot at our American Culture Quiz!
And if ye be hankerin' for more quizzes, click here to see 'em all!
Join us back here next Friday for the latest News Quiz from Fox News Digital! Until then, keep yer eyes peeled for more adventures and knowledge to plunder!

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