The Booty Report

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Yarr! The lass be a hearty survivor of the South Africa bus wreck, in stable health, aye!


Avast ye! Forty-five landlubbers from Botswana, along with the driver, met a watery grave when their vessel careened off an overpass into a treacherous ravine of rocks. 'Twas a mighty blow to their journey to the afterlife! Arrr!

Arrr, mateys! Thar be tragic news from the land of Botswana. Forty-five worshippers, along with the driver of their vessel, met their unfortunate fate when their bus took a dive off an overpass and landed in a rocky ravine. 'Tis a sad day indeed.
Ye can picture it now, can ye not? The bus hurtling through the air like a cannonball fired from a mighty ship, only to crash down below with a thunderous roar. The poor souls aboard had no chance to escape the clutches of Davy Jones.
But fear not, me hearties, for even in times of sorrow we must find a glimmer of light. Let us raise a tankard of grog to those who have gone before us, and pray that their spirits find peace in the great beyond. May they sail the seas of eternity with fair winds and following seas.
So let us remember the tragedy that befell these unfortunate souls, and hold them in our thoughts and prayers. And let us also remember that life is a fragile treasure, and we must cherish each day as if it were our last. Farewell, brave travelers of Botswana. May ye find safe harbor in the afterlife.

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