The Booty Report

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Arrr, Russia be keepin' North Korea safe from spyin' eyes, like a swashbucklin' protector of secrets! Arrr!


Arr! The spy glasses have revealed clear proof of how Russia be keepin' Pyongyang stocked with plunder and grog, in exchange for weapons to use in Ukraine. Yarrr, 'tis a clever trade indeed!

Arrr mateys, the monitors have spotted the Russians givin' all sorts of goodies to the scallywags in Pyongyang. They be keepin' 'em well stocked with fuel and other treasures, likely in exchange for weapons to use in their skirmishes in Ukraine.
It be a sly move by the Russians, playin' both sides of the game to get what they want. They be playin' the long game, makin' sure they have the upper hand in their battles on land and sea.
But beware, me hearties, for this be a dangerous dance they be doin'. The Russians be playin' a risky game, meddlin' in the affairs of other nations and stirrin' up trouble across the seas.
So keep a weather eye out for them sneaky Russians, me fellow pirates. They be sailin' in treacherous waters, lookin' to make a deal at any cost. But we be ready to stand against their devious ways and keep our own ships safe from their schemes.

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