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Arrr! The Polish president be saying nay to the mornin' after pill! Shiver me timbers!


Avast ye scallywags! The Polish President hath vetoed a law that would have granted lasses as young as 15 access to the morning after pill without a prescription. Arrr, 'tis a blow to the freedom of wenches everywhere! Batten down the hatches and prepare for a fierce debate!

Arrr, mateys! Poland’s President Andrzej Duda be swashbuckling his veto sword, blockin' a law that would have let lasses as young as 15 get the mornin'-after pill without a prescription. He be worryin' 'bout the youngins' health and listenin' to the squawks of the parent birds.Duda be sendin' the law back to the parliament, but be willin' to parley 'bout makin' the hormonal pill free for them scallywags aged 18 and above.There were no solid arguments made during the public rumble to warrant free access to the pill for the young lassies under 18, his office says.The law had been given the nod by the parliament, but needed Duda's seal to sail. The new pro-European Union government had hoped to loosen Poland’s strict reproductive rules, but Duda be sayin' nay.His veto means the pill, called ellaOne, be available only by prescription. The Health Minister be cookin' up a "Plan B" to let the apothecaries issue the needed scrawls, but it be needin' public discussion first.In Poland, where the flag flies high for the Roman Catholic faith, abortions be allowed only in dire circumstances, which be chillin' the bones of many a healer and causin' harm to troubled women.

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