The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr matey! Ukrainian lads be so hungry for crew, they be resortin' to marketin' like landlubbers! Aye!


Arrr mateys! Many units be claimin' the official conscription system be a mess! So they be takin' matters into their own hands, recruitin' their own swashbucklers to fill their ranks in the battle against the Russians. Aye, the seas be rough but our crew be tougher!

Arr matey! Ukrainian lads be so hungry for crew, they be resortin' to marketin' like landlubbers! Aye!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said that the official conscription system be as dysfunctional and unwieldy as a drunken sailor tryin' to stand straight on a storm-tossed ship. Many units be cryin' out for new recruits to fill their ranks, which be as empty as a treasure chest plundered by a scurvy pirate.
In their desperation, these units be takin' matters into their own hands and startin' their own recruitment campaigns. They be lookin' for brave souls willin' to join them in the fight against the nefarious forces of Russia. The call to arms be soundin' across the land, like a cannon blast in the dead of night.
But beware, me hearties! Joinin' these units be no easy task. Ye must be willin' to endure hardships and dangers beyond yer wildest imaginings. Ye must be prepared to face the wrath of the enemy and the uncertainties of war.
So if ye be lookin' for adventure and excitement, if ye be yearnin' to test yer mettle and prove yer worth, then join these units and sail with them into battle. The seas be rough and the winds be fierce, but with courage and determination, we shall emerge victorious!

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