The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, behold the laws for those fair wenches who dance upon the decks in Washington State! Aye, tis a merry sight indeed!


Arrr, ye scallywags be listenin'! Governor Jay Inslee hath put his seal on a law that be protectin' all ye adult dancers out there. Huzzah for the jigs and reels, me hearties! Let's dance the night away without fear of harm or plunderin'!

Arr me hearties, listen up ye scallywags! The law be signed by Gov. Jay Inslee, givin' a hearty protection to all them adult dancers out there. Aye, the legislation be as vast as the seven seas, coverin' all manner o' rights and freedoms for these fair maidens of the night.
Ye see, it be a rough world out there for them dancers, with many a scurvy dog tryin' to take advantage of their charms. But fear not, for now they be protected by the law, like a ship in a stormy sea.
So next time ye be visitin' a fine establishment with dancers of the adult persuasion, tip yer hat to them and thank the heavens for this legislation. And remember, a happy dancer be a well-protected dancer, so treat them right or ye'll be walkin' the plank!

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