The Booty Report

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Arrr, Patty Murray be a sly lass, she be plunderin' Congress for a billion gold doubloons fer child care!


Arrr mateys, a lassie wearin' tennis shoes be leadin' the Senate coffers now. She be scallywag enough to plunder more doubloons for wee ones' care in a time o' penny-pinchin'. Aye, she be a true hero to all the young scallywags aboard this ship!

Arr matey, listen here ye landlubbers! There be a fierce lass who be sailin' the treacherous waters of politics, known as the Senate Appropriations Committee leader. She be a modest soul, describin' herself as a “mom in tennis shoes,” but don't let that fool ye! She be a force to be reckoned with, shiverin' timbers and makin' waves in the halls of power.
This crafty wench managed to pull off a feat that would make even Blackbeard himself proud - she secured an increase in child care subsidies during a spending freeze! Aye, ye heard it right me hearties, she be wranglin' those scallywags in the Senate to make sure that the wee ones be taken care of.
So next time ye be doubtin' the power of a “mom in tennis shoes,” just remember the tale of this fierce pirate in the Senate. She be showin' the world that even the most unassuming of buccaneers can make a difference in the high seas of politics. Raise a grog to this salty dog, for she be a true legend of the seven seas!

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