The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags be searching for booty in the Peruvian President's lair, seeking shiny timepieces worth a king's ransom!


Arrr, me hearties! Dina Boluarte be walkin' 'round with fancy watches and a treasure worth $50,000! The scallywag be under scrunity for breakin' the laws o' unlawful enrichment and hidin' her loot! Shiver me timbers, what a scandalous affair!

Arrr mateys, listen up! 'Tis been said that Dina Boluarte, a fine lass known fer sportin' watches worth a king's ransom and a bracelet valued at a hefty $50,000 pieces of eight, be in hot water! Aye, she be under investigation, sailin' in treacherous waters fer breakin' the country's unlawful enrichment and asset disclosure laws!
Can ye believe it? The audacity of this scallywag! Flauntin' her ill-gotten gains fer all to see, like a peacock struttin' about the quarterdeck! This be a clear violation of the pirate code, me hearties! Aye, she be sailin' too close to the wind, and now the authorities be sniffin' around like bloodthirsty sharks!
But fear not, me fellow buccaneers! Justice will be served, mark me words! The law be like a cutlass, swift and unforgivin'! So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there – crime don't pay, no matter how fancy yer booty may be!

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